
Buzz Break: New Spider-Man Andrew Garfield Suits Up for Band of Outsiders

· Andrew Garfield has some new Polaroids where he's all dressed up, and no, they aren't from his Spider-Man costume test. Instead, they're for the new campaign for hip clothier Band of Outsiders, and here are three of his looks (with more Buzz Break after the jump).

· The Tim Burton/Johnny Depp reteam/remake Dark Shadows is gearing up for a January start.

· "I don't know him." Can someone introduce Larry King to his potential replacement Piers Morgan?

· Ron Howard's Vince Vaughn/Kevin James vehicle Cheaters has been renamed What You Don't Know, which sounds like a scrapped James L. Brooks title.

· There is no better genre than the French crime thriller, and Moviefone compiles some of the best (though nothing from Jacques Audiard? Sacre bleu!).