In an interview with GQ, the Forgetting Sarah Marshall star and scribe explained how he is still under contract for a sixth, seventh and eighth season of How I Met Your Mother, which is really more than he -- or his character, Marshall -- can handle:
"...When your idol is Peter Sellers, playing one character for eight years isn't what you're trying to do. I don't really feel like I have that much more to offer with this character. Maybe if we got divorced or something -- but that's not gonna happen. It's gonna be some iteration of, like, my TV wife opens the fridge, and she's like, "What happened to the birthday cake?" And I walk in with a little frosting here [points to corner of mouth] like, "What birthday cake?"
So does Segel even care about the eventual How I Met Your Mother conclusion?
"I had two other suggestions [about how the writers should end the series]. One is that they're dead. The two kids and their father -- they're dead, and they're in purgatory, and he's telling the story for eternity. [...] And then my other suggestion, which they never used, which I think would be so funny, is -- it's the future, right? I think in one of those scenes, they should open the window, and it should be, like, a postapocalyptic wasteland outside. It should be like I Am Legend. Horrible mutants."
Maybe CBS is better off just releasing Segel from his contract.
· He's No Dummy [GQ]