
You Got a Friend in Me: 5 Tear-Jerking Moments From Toy Story 3

toy story 3 Poster.jpgUp until now, summer 2010 seemed like a vast wasteland of disappointment. Shrieking harridans and chubby, middle-aged marksmen marred the multiplex week after disappointing week. But like an oasis in a desert of suck came Toy Story 3. And it was brilliant and funny and exciting. But it was also possibly one of the tear-jerkingiest movies to come out of Pixar yet. Click through to see what scenes caused the most waterworks, but, of course, beware of spoilers.

5. The Toys Accept That Andy Won't Play With Them Anymore

The first misty-eyed moment comes early on in the film, as a flashback shows young Andy gleefully playing with all of his toys in an elaborate villainous pig-based scenario. This gets contrasted with the glum reality of present day as the toys languish in the toy chest. It's the first time that the toys really see that, despite happy times before, they're no longer needed.

4. Andy's Mom Takes In Andy's Room

A rare solely human moment in the Toy Story world, Andy's mom -- who previously had been a human tornado in getting Andy packed up for college and his old room cleaned out -- stops and takes a moment to look at the now-empty room of her son. It hits her just how much is about to change and that her little boy is gone.

3. Woody Has to Leave Bullseye the Horse Behind

Leaving the rest of the toys behind at Sunnyside Day Care to go join Andy at college, Woody must force his trusty pal Bullseye to stay behind. The emotion in Woody's voice as he knows he may never see his oldest friend again is palpable and Bullseye's sadness is evident even though he doesn't utter a word. It recalls Shane, but with computer generated cartoons instead of Alan Ladd.

2. Woody and Friends Accept Death Together

Tell me this isn't one of the darkest, yet somehow the most heartwarming, scenes in a movie meant for kids. After narrowly escaping the grinding teeth of the trash chipper, the toys try to escape from the burning maw of the incinerator. They struggle mightily but are all out of moves and in one last show of unity, link hands, silently waiting to be destroyed together.

1. Andy Hesitates Handing Woody Over to Bonnie

Frankly, this can just stand for the last five or so minutes. Andy donates all of his beloved toys to Bonnie, his young neighbor, who gleefully scoops them up. But Andy hesitates to hand over Woody, who -- surprise! -- made it into the box. As the college-bound young adult tells Bonnie who Woody is and how she must take care of him, you can see how much Andy will truly miss his beloved buddy when he's gone. But! Before he does leave, Andy plays with Bonnie and the toys one last time. And as he drives off to college, Bonnie and the toys are lined up on the porch to say good-bye. Speaking for myself, I was happy -- for once -- to have those ridiculously heavy 3D glasses on, if only to help mask the fact that by this time, I was weeping buckets. You've done it again, Pixar. You've done it again.