
James Cameron Lashes Out at 'Morons' After His Help is Denied by BP

Looks like Sexy Cowgirl will never get her chance to be a hero. The world reacted with bemused cheers the other day when Avatar director James Cameron met with the EPA to brainstorm methods to stop BP's oil-gushing leak. What he didn't reveal until now? BP itself turned down his offers of help. (Just picture Paul Reiser delivering this news to Cameron with sleazy faux-regretfulness after trying to put an alien parasite down Newt's throat.)

Says the Guardian:

Speaking at a technology conference in California [Cameron] said: "Over the last few weeks I've watched, as we all have, with growing horror and heartache, watching what's happening in the Gulf and thinking those morons don't know what they're doing."

He did not say explicitly who he meant when he referred to "morons." [...]

The director helped develop deep-sea submersible equipment and other underwater ocean technology for the making of documentaries exploring the wrecks of the Titanic and the German battleship Bismarck two miles (3.2km) below the surface. The BP oil spill is one mile (1.6km) below the surface.

He said: "I know really, really, really smart people that work typically at depths much greater than what that well is at.

"Most importantly, they know the engineering that it requires to get something done at that depth."

Why, it's almost as though Cameron will have to assemble his own renegade troop of photogenic scientists (including Bill Paxton, Sigourney Weaver, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and insistent tagalong Tom Arnold) to go down to the Gulf themselves! Cowabunga, dudes!

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: James Cameron says 'these morons don't know what they're doing' [Telegraph]