
30 Rock's Season Finale Preview: Matt Damon's Flying Colors

30 Rock's been infested with guest-stars in its fourth season, so it's only right to conclude (or justify) it the with the biggest guest-star yet: that bad Will Hunting himself, Matt Damon. He appears on tonight's finale playing a pilot who shares Liz Lemon's cynicism and works for a fictional airline called "Airbike." Back in season three, Liz gleefully compared then-beau Drew Baird (Jon Hamm) as looking like "a cartoon pilot." Will the real thing help invigorate Liz's romantic desires before she marries Wesley, the non-love of her life? Clips of Damon in action and Tina Fey's spoiler-y commentary are after the jump.

First, Matt Damon proves that a pilot uniform can get you pretty much anywhere.

And now, Tina Fey, who has a history of saying whatever she wants, goes on about Matt Damon's character Carol, who's temporarily distracted from his Tampa-St. Louis course.

Damon seems game, and any prolonged exposure to Wesley is a dream. We may be in for the finest 30 Rock finale yet. Plus, if a trip to the Airbike terminal is necessary, maybe Liz can inhale another giant sandwich before the credits roll. Perfection all around.

'30 Rock' Videos [NBC]