Buzz Break: Inception Point


· There's a new Inception poster! And it's just a little bit less Dark Knight-y than the first one.

· Do you want to see a picture of the Destroyer from Thor? Spoiler alert: It looks like the cover of Earthbound from Super Nintendo.

· Simon West (Con Air) will direct Dwayne Johnson in the relatively inexpensive thriller Protection.

· Mickey Rourke's instruction to Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau: play Amy Winehouse on set, at full volume. "In that scene when he's walking down the [Monaco] racetrack with the whips out and people are running and screaming and there's tires on fire, 'Rehab' was blasting," said Favreau.

· Tyra Banks is paying her audience members fifty dollars to eat dog food. Honey, Wendy Williams would eat a whole bag herself if there was a new wig in it for her.


  • Your blog doesn't look right in Lynx. Maybe your theme? But other than that, I'm going to say this isnt the first I've seen this. But yes, it's pretty much the way it is and the way it will be. wty1d8