
Jay Leno Likens Conan's TBS Rebound to a 'Very Funny Cat Landing On His Feet'

Jay Leno may have successfully avoided commenting on Conan O'Brien's new TBS venture last week, but the reigning Tonight Show champion was no match for an Access Hollywood reporter staking out the TV Land Awards red carpet this weekend. There to present an award to Bosom Buddies (for a reason unbeknownst to us, and probably everyone in attendance that night), Leno finally spoke out about Conan's move to cable... and it was everything you thought it would be.

Meaning that Leno coolly revealed that he always knew that Conan would "land on his feet" after Leno himself knocked his red-headed successor from his Tonight Show perch. Among the other disclosures:

· "It'll be fun. Everybody will compete. Everything after 11 o'clock is now the most exciting place to be."

· "I think he'll be great. He's a very funny guy."

· "I didn't know what to think. I mean, well, FOX is network but they have cable too, so, you know, it's all sort of the same now. Everybody sort of reaches the same thing, but I think it's exciting. I think he'll do well." (On whether Conan's move to cable is surprising.)

· Jay Leno On Conan O'Brien's TBS Show [Access Hollywood]