
Pam Grier is Latest to Join Tom Hanks's Star-Studded Larry Crowne

Add another head shot to the illustrious wall of fame set to appear in Tom Hanks upcoming writing-directing-acting effort Larry Crowne: Pam Grier tweeted today that Hanks recruited her for the role of Julia Roberts's BFF in the mid-life crisis drama. And judging by the salty but effusive Internet shorthand that followed, I'd say she's fairly excited about it.

This would be consistent with Taraji P. Henson's note late last month about her table read with Roberts, Hanks and Grier ("I hugged her so tight...hope she doesn't think I'm weird"), and it would seem to resolve the subject of the mystery tweet that @tomhanks himself published nearly two weeks ago: "Cool job. Evidence: phone call from PAM GRIER! Hanx." It would also seem to confirm the tiny blurb yesterday in a Denver Post society column: "Grier has just been inked to play Julia Roberts' girlfriend in the Tom Hanks movie Larry Crowne, due out in 2011." Random! Anyway, congrats and happy shooting to all. [@PamGrier]