
Mark Indelicato on Life After Ugly Betty, His Fashion Aspirations and 'Pulling a Sex and the City'

While Betty Suarez and Co. hung up their orange ponchos during last night's series finale, a few members of the Ugly Betty cast celebrated their four-year run at Oatarian's Grand Opening Cocktail Event in New York City. Among them was 15 year-old Mark Indelicato, who has spent his middle school years embodying Betty's wise, fashion conscious nephew Justin. Now that he's free to explore a life outside of Queens, Indelicato excitedly outlined his upcoming work schedule to Movieline's sister site Hollywood Life, revealed just how he's currently following in Betty's footsteps, and discussed his dream role. Oh, and if there's a potential Ugly Betty film, count him in.

"I'm interning for Teen Vogue right now," Indelicato revealed. "I'm really interested in fashion journalism. I'm packing and unpacking clothes, getting coffee. I think it's really good for me. Ugly Betty has been four years of my life, important adolescent years. I think that all I've really known was getting pampered and interviewed and getting my picture taken. So, I think getting things for other people and actually catering to other people is nice."

When his internship ends, Indelicato will head to Pittsburgh in June for a two-week run of the musical Oliver: "I'm going to be playing the Artful Dodger. I'm really excited. It's going to be totally fun -- a new environment and a new setting on the stage."

If he had to pick between mediums though, the young actor conceded, "I definitely love TV. I would never turn down a movie, but at the same time, but my ideal job would be a half-hour sitcom. It's the easiest job. It's comedy. It's funny. I would love to play something completely different from Justin, like some emo kid."

As for those Ugly Betty: The Movie rumors, Indelicato explained, "I would love to confirm those rumors. I don't know if they are necessarily true at this moment, but hopefully we can pull a Sex and the City and two years from now make a fabulous movie."

[Reporting by Lindsey DiMattina]