
Buzz Break: A Slight Adjustment

· Matt Damon and Emily Blunt react with horror to the latest Green Zone weekend numbers in this first photo from their upcoming film The Adjustment Bureau.

· Liz Taylor has tweet-refuted rumors that she was set to marry once more. And now I'm going to hoooowwwwwl!

· Meanwhile, Jim Carrey is trying to dig himself out of the Twitter hole he fell into after opining on the Tiger Woods saga.

· if you're a fan of spirited judge Gael Greene on Top Chef Masters, Starz is developing a series based on her culinary and erotic (!) adventures.

· Ben Silverman is developing Pedro & Maria, a "modern-day Romeo and Juliet" for MTV. As James Hibberd so aptly noted, "Only Ben Silverman could wrangle a "created by" credit away from William Shakespeare on Romeo & Juliet by changing the title!"