
Beer Ad Paints Terrifying Portrait of Sober Mickey Rourke

· I'm pretty sure Mickey Rourke made it through this NSFW foreign ad for nonalcoholic beer by getting wasted and improvising new lines, but God love him for it. "Here's to little dogs and the g*ddamn revolution!" Indeed, Mickey. Two things that never go out of style. Video after the jump:

· Actress Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon sent a fun little email to her husband's colleagues at CAA recently: "Tiger Woods/Jesse James/Mike Nilon ... What do they have in common ... I found out today that MY husband of almost 9 yrs has been having an affair for 5 yrs with some slut in Chicago." Whoops! [PopEater]

· The Daily Beast investigates Marc Cherry. [Daily Beast]

· Who's replacing Jon Heder in the Comedy Central sitcom that was developed for him? Nicest guy ever Chris Gethard. [Vulture]

· Harvey Weinstein and Georgina Chapman are expecting their first child. We expect the child to be announced with much fanfare, then shelved for three years before seeing the light of day. No, seriously, congrats. [Daily Front Row via Gawker]