
The Other Guys Trailer: Cop Out, But with Jokes

Stop me if this seems familiar: There's a new cop comedy coming out that pairs a loose-cannon SNL veteran with a growling, resentful partner in a semi-sendup of the 80's buddy comedy genre. Here's the difference, though, between Cop Out and Adam McKay's new Will Ferrell/Mark Wahlberg starrer The Other Guys: I actually laughed at the Other Guys trailer.

McKay seems to have refined the straight-faced lunacy that gave Step Brothers its most welcome spikes, but the element I'm most excited about in this clip is Mark Wahlberg. Fresh off of Date Night, the actor seems to be on a comedic roll (you could even throw the inadvertently riotous The Lovely Bones in there, if you want) and after his appealing, funny performance in 2004's I Heart Huckabees, I have to wonder what took him so long? Give me Wahlberg's slow burn over Bruce Willis's constipated paycheck face any day.


The Other Guys Trailers & Video Clips [Yahoo]