
The Kids Are All Right Trailer: Annette and Julianne's Modern Family

You may remember that at Sundance this year, Movieline flipped for Lisa Cholodenko's comedy The Kids are All Right, which stars Annette Bening and Julianne Moore as lesbian parents, Mia Wasikowska and Josh Hutcherson as their children, Mark Ruffalo as their sperm donor, and Annette Benining's omnipresent glass of red wine as itself. So, what are we to make of this new trailer advertising the film?

It's cute! I mean, it's a very mainstream, upbeat trailer, but then again, so is the movie. I've read hand-wringing takes on the film from writers who cluck, "I liked it, but will America really go see this film about lesbians?" I think they will, when those lesbians are Annette Bening and Julianne Moore and they're really fun? (At least, they will enough for Focus to make back its modest-but-hopeful expectations.) People aren't freaking out about the amusing gay parents on Modern Family, so why would they fret about the amusing gay parents in The Kids Are All Right, especially when they're played by movie stars and you'll get to see Mark Ruffalo's ass constantly?

VERDICT: Can't wait to go again.