
On This Day: Did We Mention It's Taylor Kitsch Day?

Happy April 8, dear reader! Time to join Movieline on another breezy expedition through the historical arcana and milestones that helped shaped the pop culture you know and love today. Read on for more good fortune to happen upon Taylor Kitsch, a look back at Charlie Chaplin's second career and memories of Clint Eastwood's third career.

· 1918: On his wife Mary Pickford's birthday, Douglas Fairbanks joined his eventual United Artists partner Charlie Chaplin on the streets of New York, where the silent-film stars sold war bonds to support to American effort in World War I.

· 1966: Robin Wright is born to a Mary Kay consultant and a pharmaceuticals executive in Dallas, Texas. That house was an effing blast growing up, let me tell you.

· 1981: How does Taylor Kitsch get to celebrate having landed Battleship -- yet another big-time leading role to go along with John Carter of Mars in 2012? With birthday cake! Yayy! The actor and model was born on this day in Kelowna, British Columbia, and would be stealing good American jobs in films like Snakes on a Plane and The Covenant in no time.

· 1986: Clint Eastwood is elected mayor of Carmel by a landslide margin: 2,166 to 799, defeating incumbent Charlotte Townsend. Despite promising to devote himself full-time to his mayoral duties, Eastwood nevertheless went off and made two films during his two-year term; he did not seek reelection in 1988.