
Late Night Highlights: Dave's iPad Tutorial, Justin Bieber's Charm and Robin's Take on ConanGate

The nation's late night hosts celebrated three glorious holidays yesterday: April Fool's Day, iPad Launch Day and Justin Bieber, who is more of a man-child with side-swept bangs than a holiday but each of his afterhours appearances should be celebrated accordingly. After the jump, the best of those celebrations as well as the other highlights you missed while sleeping off that March Madness buzz.

5. iPad-mania

Stephen Colbert has been celebrating the iPad for weeks, but David Letterman finally got in on the fun last night with a Top Ten list in honor of the new Apple product.

4. April Fool's with Ricky Gervais

Have you ever gotten really high and wondered, "What would it be like if I burned through an entire segment of my talk show by recreating a pizza delivery in reverse?" That's presumably what happened to Jimmy Fallon, who transformed that fantasy into reality last night. Fortunately, Ricky Gervais came on afterward to salvage what he could of the episode.

3. Jimmy Kimmel's April Fool's Joke on America

The ABC host asked viewers to pour cold water on unsuspecting roommates, spouses and friends. This was the result.

2. Offending Australia, French Meth Addicts and the Pope

Craig Ferguson welcomed Rob Williams onto the Late Late Show last night and watched as the comedian tested out his Pope-as-Stephen Hawking impression, explained how cocaine affects his energy level and then unearthed ConanGate (skip ahead to 6:07 for Coco-talk).

1. Justin Bieber's Game

Seriously, who is this Justin Bieber kid and why is he flirting with Chelsea Handler?