
Brick Tamland Returns to Day Job

· Steve Carell's morning weather report on GMTV provided not only a decent April Fools gag, but new insight into where Mexico and Newfoundland really are. Stay classy, sir.


· No foolin': S. Epatha Merkeson is leaving Law & Order after 16 years as Lt. Van Buren. Console us with a velvety monotone one-liner, Sam Waterston! [EW]

· Eliminated American Idol contestant Didi Benami planned to hit Beatles week with a cover of either "Blackbird" or "Across the Universe." There's a slight chance she'd have bested Katie Stevens's inevitable, goopy performance of "Imagine." Ugh. [Press Release]

· Justin Bieber will perform on Saturday Night Live. Just like Wayne and Garth always wanted. [CinemaBlend]

· Muppets are performing for viral approval again, but this time they're... just creepy. Happy Easter, I think. [SlashFilm]