
TV Bites: Martin Short is Your Tax Man

· As tax season peaks nationwide, Fox is filing a few extensions to the cast of its upcoming comedy pilot, Tax Man. The latest addition to the workplace comedy, set in a Fresno IRS office, is Martin Short. The actor, fresh off an arc on FX's Damages, will play the loud jerk supervisor -- the Jack Donaghy or Michael Scott of the tax world -- and will be joined by David Krumholtz and Judy Greer. [THR]

CBS figures out how to say Sh*t My Dad Says, the Salahis return to a nightmare near you, and more TV Bites after the jump.

· CBS is predictably stumped over how to title its pilot based on the Twitter-sation, Sh*t My Dad Says. [NYT]

· Just when you forget about the Salahis, several media outlets are confirming that the State Dinner-crashing couple will star in Real Housewives of D.C.. Look forward to an official announcement before May 27, when Matt Lauer interviews the pair on the Today Show. [Daily Beast]

· In other Real Housewives news, Bethenny Frankel married businessman Jason Hoppy in New York City yesterday. The ceremony was filmed for her Bravo spin-off Bethenny's Getting Married. [People]

· Smallville producers Miles Millar and Alfred Gough have sued Warner Bros. for breach of contract regarding licensing fees, or something. [THR]

· Congratulations to ABC, whose premiere of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution scored the network the top rating for any entertainment series on a Friday this season. [Variety]