
Overheard Overnight: Hobbit Delayed For Real This Time

· There are tears in Middle Earth today. We were only rocking out last week to Leonard Nimoy's Hobbit ode and now it seems that's what we'll have to content ourselves with that a little bit longer as The Hobbit's start date is pushed from July to the end of the year. Turns out the Internet got Peter Jackson right in the first place.

Cheer up, though, because after the jump The Smurfs movie sexes it up, Madonna visits the cinematic sins of the mother on her offspring and Greed is Gallic as the Croisette meets the Street.

· Sofia Vergara joins Raja Gosnell's big-screen version of The Smurfs as a live-action character named Odile, "a powerful executive at a high-end French cosmetics company." Her power? Luring 24% more fathers into taking their kids to see a movie they'd otherwise run a mile from.

· After nastily refusing to let her daughter Lourdes take a role in a Harry Potter film, Madonna's made it up to her by casting a small part in her upcoming Edward VIII flick. Billion-dollar franchise or bit role in a movie from the director of Filth And Wisdom? Gee, thanks mom!

· First Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps was bumped from April to September but now it really is looking likely for a Cannes slot.