
I'm Having Treme-ors

· The trailer for David Simon's HBO series Treme is meaningfully edited, smart, and evocative. But most touching of all: That is a grinning, shirtless Steve Zahn. [Videogum]


· Centurion made a surprise SXSW debut at the Alamo Draft House. The good news: It's entertaining. The bad news: Its bloodletting is as sophisticated as Monty Python and the Holy Grail's. [IndieWire]

· Jimmy Kimmel wonders why we all get along. He'd prefer we bicker and bring down NBC again, God bless him. [EW]

· Anna Kendrick is the prettiest little Oscar runner-up we ever did see, as she promotes Up in the Air in Japan. [ONTD]

· Oprah will spend two weeks in Philadelphia defending herself in a defamation suit. I hope she calls upon a surprise witness in John Tra-VOLTAAHHH too. [Yahoo]