
Our Commenters of the Week Win A Trailer to Another Trailer of Their Choosing!

In case ninety-second previews of actual films daunt their gluten-clogged brains, this week's Commenters of the Week win an 11-second trailer to another trailer of their choosing! Following the precedent set by Eclipse this week, you might choose a 10-second romantic stare between Rick and Ilsa, or a blinding blitz of every Scarlett O'Hara tantrum that clocks in at just under eight seconds. Cinematic treats for the commenter on the go! So, who's getting the tiniest preview in all the land?

stolidog on The Real Housewives of New York City Reality Check: Dueling Labor Day Parties: "I think you need to take away a letter, rather than add a letter, when talking about the Countess."

The Winchester on A Beautiful Mindlessness: "I'm 99% sure that's Nicole Kidman in a Rick Baker mask."

meem on 5 Resemblances Between Lindsay Lohan and the E-TRADE Baby She is Suing: "And the insecure, inquisitive baby girl, is the redhead from Sex & the City."

HWoodHills on La Vie en Boob: "'She was a terror,' Weir said. 'She was rude to everyone at this charity show, and showed up very late. She's not a film star. She's not a singer. And it's not really acceptable in those cases either, to be a nasty person.' Unless, of course, you're Paris Hilton.

Bourgeois Nerd on Spartacus Star Diagnosed with Cancer: "Oh no! Best wishes to him and his family for a speedy recovery. Are they sure Crixus can't just cut it out of him? While they're both naked?"

Congrats to our champs!