
Get Funny or Die Trying

Pop quiz: What do Elizabeth Banks, Gerard Butler, Kieran Culkin, Hugh Jackman, Johnny Knoxville, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Chloe Moretz, Liev Schreiber, Sean William Scott, Tony Shalhoub, Emma Stone, Matt Walsh, Patrick Warburton, Naomi Watts and Kate Winslet have in common? If you said, "They all secretly hit and killed a homeless person," you're wrong! The correct answer is: "They are all part of the growing cast of Untitled Farrelly Brothers Sketch Comedy project," a Kentucky Fried Movie-esque group effort spearheaded by the scatalogically bent siblings that already boasts segments directed by Brett Ratner, Bob Odenkirk, Griffin Dunne and even one from Banks herself. Relativity is financing the project, "We all sat down and came up with what we think is a hilarious through-line for the movie," producer Charles Wessler said. "Given the amount of pot I had smoked, at least I think it is hilarious." We'll be the judge of cough that. [Relativity]