
Jeff Bridges Inaugurates Oscars' Thank-You Cam With 9-Minute Filibuster

As if you couldn't already tell during his epic acceptance speech in front of broadcast cameras, Jeff Bridges has something to say about his Best Actor Oscar. And just as the producers and the orchestra weren't about to play him off after nearly 40 years of him waiting for this moment, the backstage organizers of the new "Thank-You Cam" weren't about to cut Bridges' extended thanks off either. This being Bridges, it's a must-see -- if you can spare that much of your afternoon.

Ridiculously, the Academy has not made the Crazy Heart star's five-part video embeddable outside its own site, so go check it out there as long as you promise to come right back home to Movieline. Let it suffice to say it has a kicker worthy of the setting, but maybe make some popcorn or something before plunking down to watch it in its entirety. Just watching it provokes the munchies.

ยท Oscar Thank-You Cam: Jeff Bridges [AMPAS]