
The Ben Linus Prison Experiment

· Long before Michael Emerson landed his role on Lost, he made grim isolation scintillating in another way -- by taking part in a video about handling prisoners. Just add an introduction by Pierre Chang, and you've got your very own unsettling Dharma video! [YouTube]

· Winsome Bachelor Jake Pavelka allegedly tried to romance his ex behind Vienna's back. Chris Harrison, deploy a moralizing monologue! [RadarOnline]

· The newest New Yorker cover (pictured right) features your favorite film actors reaching for the Oscar -- except, mysteriously, for Sandra Bullock, who strolls off in the background. Duh, she's late for the Razzies. [New Yorker]

· John-Boy Walton can say "g'night" to his most recent commercial gig, because it's going to Jon Hamm. [EW]

· Rush Limbaugh is selling his... slightly embellished estate. I'm glad that a pixie like Rush could retire in such a dainty music box, if only for a few whimsical years. [Gawker]

· When you morph the faces of John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer, you get... a more confused-looking John Krasinski and Boy George. [Arrows and Accolades]