
Overheard at Sundance On Our Way Out

Now that Sundance is winding down, your Movieline crew is preparing to depart Park City, but we couldn't let you go without some more overheard shenanigans. Au revoir, innocent bystanders!

On the shuttle to Main St.

Guy: "Have you ever dated a man shorter than you, though?"

Girl: "See, now that's the question. I would, totally."

Guy: "Even Tom Cruise? Five foot two?"

Girl: "Ugh, I hate Tom Cruise. I would date Peter Dinklage, though."

Crosswalk near Old Town Transit Center

Australian Man: [nodding at crossing guard] "What's that about, d'ya think? In Australia, we just try to run people over."

In long line outside O'Shucks Bar & Grill

Leggy Woman: [to doorman] "We're on the list." [gestures to friend] "See? Two hot girls?"

Just south of the Egyptian Theater

It wasn't an overheard quote, but it was a woman breakdancing to the Bonnie Tyler song "I Need a Hero." Don't we all, Sundance. Don't we all.