
Our Commenters of the Week Win Custody of Andy Richter!

Just hours before Mark Lisanti's East Coast livetweeting of Conan O'Brien's final Tonight Show, we at Movieline honor our own jokesmiths by presenting them with the loneliest orphan in Zuckerland, Andy Richter. He's a tame little prince, with couch-sitting ability and simple demands like starring in his own series for one season every few years. He only pipes up if your joke kind of sucked. And he knows Tina Fey! Feed him whatever you like. Now, who are his glowing new parents?

Old. No 7 on Enough, Already, With the Televised Celebrity DNA Testing: "All I usually have to do is watch one of their television interviews to determine that they have an extra chromosome."

Martini Shark on Enough, Already, With the Televised Celebrity DNA Testing: "This has an air of cruelty about it, watching the results of celebrity saliva tests on people who would not deign to spit on me if I happened to be on fire."

metroville on Piranha 3D Trailer: Fish, Stuffed With Cheese "I suppose that's a more concise title than Watch Everyone You Liked in the 80s Be Eaten By Fish."

Bib Fortuna on Conan O'Brien and NBC Battle For Custody of Triumph, Masturbating Bear: "Why would NBC want to retain the Masturbating Bear? Unless of course they give him Carson Daly's show to host."

ZC on Who'll Boycott a Jay Leno Tonight Show?: "If Leno were truly funny, he wouldn't need Kevin Eubanks' band to hit a chord after every bad joke so the audience would know when to laugh-- er-- Applaud. That's right. They don't laugh at Jay's humor. They clap."

Congrats to our winners!