
Hollywood Ink: Jenna Fischer Gives Owen Wilson His Hall Pass

· The developing Farrelly Brothers comedy Hall Pass tied down another lead this week: Jenna Fischer, who will play the wife whose "pass" allows husband Owen Wilson to pursue some enlivening extramarital dalliances (and later entitles her to her own). Jason Sudeikis plays his equally liberated pal, whose own wayward wife has yet to be cast. Just put your money on Kristen Wiig and let's get back to the real casting sweepstakes over at Sony. [THR]

Lionsgate takes on an unadaptable literary milestone, Iron Man 2 blows up (literally) and more Hollywood Ink after the jump.

· It just seemed like a no-brainer to not include the towering literary classic What to Expect When You're Expecting among our gift guide of unfilmable books. Who would have the cheek (or even the angle) to adapt our era's definitive mentor to pregnant women for the screen. Oh. Of course: Lionsgate. The film will reportedly follow the same interweaving-couple structure as He's Just Not That Into You, except the couples have moved past the whole "Has he changed his mind about a baby?" trope into the "He changed his mind about a baby!" trope, which really just makes this Away We Go times seven with a brand name where the title goes. It'll make a zillion dollars. [THR]

· Iron Man 2 will receive the IMAX treatment simultaneous to its May 7 conventional-screen release. Mickey Rourke will never have looked better. [THR]

· While Conan O'Brien pioneers the art of Craigslist media-moguldom, MGM will stick to the eBay model as bids arrive this weekend from around Hollywood. [THR]

· Ridley and Tony Scott's long-time accountant died Jan. 4. Now we'll really never see Ridley's Monopoly movie. [Variety