
TV Bites: ABC Dumps Unbearable Bachelor Spin-Off on America

· What's that? You haven't seen enough of those emotionally unstable Bachelor contestants -- the ones who weep openly about their unfulfilled dream of becoming a dental hygienist after their third glass of Chardonnay -- and would love to see them cooped up in a Big Brother-style house with unlimited alcohol, cameras and the occasional physical challenge to punctuate their tears? Well, then you, imaginary audience, are in luck because ABC has ordered seven episodes of Bachelor Pad, a reality enterprise which will shove 20 "all-star" castaways into a mini-mansion and allow Chris Harrison to emcee. [THR]

Betty White heats up Cleveland, Kiefer Sutherland considers life without 24, and more TV Bites after the jump.

· Mistresses of celebrities deserve a safe place to share their tales of four-star hotel flings, and Gordon Ramsey's on-the-side girlfriend of seven years aims to establish just that. The unlucky woman, Sarah Symonds, is now accepting applications for her support group/reality show called The Ex-Mistresses Club, which she is pitching around town. [Radar]

· Kiefer Sutherland dropped a bomb onto this week's TCA events by casually mentioning that he is "open" to a ninth season on 24, raising questions that Fox could lose another star. [EW]

· Oscar-nominee David Strathairn will join House for the episode that Hugh Laurie is slated to direct. [EW]

· Television Without Pity has compiled the best and worst shows in development for you already! [TWoP]

· Betty White, Valerie Bertinelli, Jane Leeves and Wendie Malick will star in TV Land's comedy pilot Hot in Cleveland, about a group of "eccentric fortysomething best friends from L.A. (Bertinelli, Leeves, Malick) who wind up stuck in Cleveland and decide to stay there when they realize the locals consider them glamorous." White will co-star as their grumpy neighbor. [THR]