
Buzz Break: Forget Him Not

· Summit released the poster for Remember Me today. This is how powerful Robert Pattinson's face is: He's consumed approximately half of Emilie de Ravin's head, and you're still swooning. Click for bigger.

· "Like anything, it's a process," Tobey Maguire says about the Spider-Man 4 delays. "We're just in the midst of the process. We have a lot of great stuff in terms of story and script. We're just trying to dial it in and get it ready as quickly as possible."

· The media may have been interested in what Jay Leno had to say in his monologue last night, but viewers weren't, to judge by his ratings drop.

· Can we expect Sookie to get with new werewolf Alcide on True Blood? "Hello, he's hot!" says showrunner Alan Ball. "And hello, so is she. Two hot people in some intense situations and, for whatever reasons, there significant others are not there...they're human."

· White House spokesperson Robert Gibbs promises that the State of the Union will not pre-empt Lost. Yeah, well, we all remember Obama's public option promise, Gibbs. I'm not relaxing yet!