
Hollywood Ink: Owen Wilson Gets Farrellys' Hall Pass

· Owen Wilson will team with the Farrelly Brothers for the R-rated comedy Hall Pass, featuring the actor as a man whose wife attempts to enliven their flagging marriage by allowing him extramarital dalliances. Jason Sudeikis is set to co-star as Wilson's pal, who also gets a "pass"; shooting begins Feb. 23. New Line will finance, distribute and presumably recycle its Wedding Crashers campaign for maximum recession-era efficiency. [THR]

Anna Kendrick hits the cancer ward, a new Anthony Hopkins film hits the States, and more Hollywood Ink after the jump.

· Anna Kendrick is the latest star to sign on to the project formerly known as I'm With Cancer, joining Seth Rogen and James McAvoy in an adaptation of Will Reiser's tragicomic memoir of coping with the big C. Also: Wackness director Jonathan Levine is set to replace Nicole Holofcener, who reportedly left the project due to "locations differences." I've literally sat here for 30 minutes trying to summon the will to say something, anything remotely funny or interesting about any of this. It's hopeless. Moving on... [THR]

· Anthony Hopkins's latest collaboration with director James Ivory, The City of Your Final Destination, has been acquired for release in March. The story centers on -- I can't make this up -- "a young American academic who attempts to persuade the reluctant heirs of a celebrated Uruguayan writer to allow him to write an authorized biography." Take the parents. Laura Linney and Charlotte Gainsbourg co-star. [Variety]

· For anyone who doubted Sony's sincerity about piracy precautions, there's this: The studio's genre offshoot Screen Gems "accidentally" released Armored for download on the Playstation Network for a brief period over the holidays, triggering the film's almost immediate, uncontrolled dissemination all over the Web. Brilliant. [Variety]

· Zombieland scribes (and Movieline One-Page Screenplay alums) Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick got the semi-sort-of-coveted gig to write X-Men Origins: Deadpool. Congrats, fellas. [Variety]