
Can We Talk About How Terrible Cop Out Looks For a Second?

· The trailer for Cop Out preceded my weekend showing of Sherlock Holmes, and even the mouthbreathers at The Grove couldn't muster a couple neanderlaughs for that thing. This is what we've been waiting for? "Cop Out?" Wasn't that a 30 Rock punchline? I'm almost positive it was. There is no genre-subversion going on here. There is only genre. Terrible, terrible genre. CUE THE RAGGA! [Apple]

· John Waters cites his ten favorite films of 2009. Gotta say, never saw The Blind Side coming. (Just kidding.) [artforum]

· Videogum's Worst People of 2009. [Videogum]

· TMZ is made to look the idiots by The Smoking Gun. Wonder what Harv shelled out for that one? [TMZ, The Smoking Gun]

· After just barely surviving a flight back from Canada, we're firmly Team Ivana on this one. [AP]