
Coens, True Grit Head Into the Unknown

In an unusually transparent move (at least for them), the Coen Brothers have established a Web-based open call in search of their young female lead in True Grit. The new adaptation of Charles Portis's novel shoots next spring and has Jeff Bridges attached to star as Rooster Cogburn, the role that won John Wayne an Oscar in 1969. The 12- to 16-year-old girl they're looking for to play Mattie -- who joins Cogburn and his fellow marshal (Matt Damon) on a quest to find her father's killer (Josh Brolin) -- possesses "steely nerves and [a] straightforward manner [...] We are looking for a girl who is tough, strong and tells it like it is." Weirder still, there are even script sides online. It's a new era for the Coens! And they'll still probably go with Abigail Breslin anyway. [True Grit Casting via Risky Business]