
Late Night Highlights: Cupcake Dave, Best Buy Conan and More Snooki!

NBC's after hours programming soared to new product placement heights last night when Jimmy Fallon invited a reverend onto his show to literally preach about Subway's Big Philly Cheesesteak Melt. Not to be outdone, Conan O'Brien staged a skit at a Subway restaurant and then rolled a clip of himself working at a Best Buy, where he aggressively tried to sell customers on the new Kodak S730 Digital Frame. The startling clips, along with the other highlights you missed while celebrating your lucrative Nickelodeon deal, after the jump.

Paul Shaffer vs. The Roots

The Late Show bandleader visited Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to promote his memoir but ended up ripping into Fallon's band, The Roots, or as Fallon calls them, "the greatest band in late night."

Preaching Subway

Jimmy Fallon found a new way to flagrantly plug his show's sponsors when he hired an actor to dress up like a reverend and preach about Subway. Last night, the show got spiritual about the Big Philly Cheesesteak Melt. Seriously.

Dance Guido-Style!

Last night on Lopez Tonight, G-Lo made Snooki an honorary Latina since she "knows how to take a punch, girl." Is that a compliment? Snooki wasn't sure but G-Lo proceeded to make a joke about killing the guy who punched Snooki and throwing him in a river. Really.

Conan For Best Buy

If the network forces you to shamelessly plug Best Buy and Kodak, this sketch is probably the best possible result.

Get Your $25,000 Cupcake

Without Subway sandwiches or Kodak products to hawk, David Letterman busied himself by test-driving the world's most expensive cupcake during his annual Holiday Toy Demo.