
Buzz Break: Hunter and Huntress

· After making Love Happens and now Bounty Hunter (that's the new poster on the right, click for bigger), I'm more convinced than ever that Jennifer Aniston chooses projects based on one specific criteria: "Does this sound like it could be one of the fake movies from Funny People?"

· They finally caught the guy who uploaded Wolverine to the internet...they just don't know how the hell he had it in the first place.

· Mr. Skin has released his Top 10 Nude Scenes of 2009, and Eva Amurri's stripping skills (which she did not learn alongside her mother) topped the list.

· Sofia Coppola and Thomas Mars are expecting their second child.

· People are protesting Avatar's "heterosexual arrogance." I'm not entirely sure what that means, except that I'm pretty certain "heterosexual arrogance" is a footnote in the new James Cameron biography.