
Late Night Highlights: Mike Tyson, Dialing Diane Kruger and Beer Pong With Kate Hudson

The holidays are here, as evidenced by the festively decorated late night stages and the emphasis on Christmas-gone-wrong anecdotes. Why, just last night, Conan got a jump on his holiday greeting card, Hugh Grant recalled a horrifying, blood-soaked winter retreat, and Jimmy Fallon giggled through his letter to Santa. Get in the seasonal spirit with these videos, and the other after-hours highlights you missed while celebrating that surprise WGA nomination, after the jump.

Mike Tyson's Holiday Greetings

Last night on the Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, Conan O'Brien and Andy Richter wrangled some matching sweaters, a puppy, Mike Tyson and a Jewish snowman for their holiday greeting card.

Hugh Grant's Kilted Childhood Massacre

After seven and a half years, Hugh Grant returned to the Late Show to tell a horrifying Christmas story in honor of Did You Hear About the Morgans?

Tom Arnold's Nonsensical Avatar Plug

If you don't want to take Ben Stiller's word about Avatar, take Tom Arnold's, who also has no connection to the James Cameron film. Expect to see the actor's rave review on the back of the collector's edition DVD: "Best movie experience I've had in my life." After whipping through his unpaid promotion at such breakneck speed that Conan asked Andy Richter to interpret, Arnold proceeded to show off his problem tattoo: Chinese characters misprinted to say "man love."

Joshua Jackson's Mobile Faux Pas

The Fringe star's segment was lagging along with discussions of worn t-shirts until Jackson's cell phone rang mid-interview. When the Late Late Show host realized that it was Jackson's girlfriend, Diane Kruger, calling, Ferguson jumped at the chance for a spontaneous phone dialogue with the German beauty.

Beer Pong With Kate Hudson

After trading lengthy letters to Santa Claus, Kate Hudson and Jimmy Fallon squared off with a two-point game of beer pong. Fortunately for Late Night, the Nine actress did not complain about Fallon's rules or wipe out mid-segment.

Snoop Dogg's Line Reading

Stephen Colbert used his time with Snoop Dogg last night to rehearse a soap opera scene in anticipation of the rapper's return to One Life to Live.

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