
Hollywood Ink: He Killed Da Rabbit

· So it looks like Harvey, Steven Spielberg's snorey mcsnorefest remake of the 1950 Jimmy Stewart-as-dude-with-invisible-giant-rabbit-for-a-friend film, is getting tossed into a big vat of boiling water and being turned into bunny soup. Variety says Tom Hanks passed, then next choice Robert Downey Jr. demanded rewrites; by the time the director started looking at third choices, the thought of Will Smith pitching "'Sup Rabbit? (The Harvey Rap)" for the closing credits rendered the project utterly unbearable to even Spielberg. We suppose it bears mentioning we completely saw this coming. [Variety]

Next in Ink: An Entourage movie; the Sexiest Man Alive makes his next move; Gun, With Occasional Music.

· Johnny Depp is in negotiations to star as Pancho Villa in Seven Friends of Pancho Villa and the Woman With Six Fingers, a biopic about the Mexican revolutionary from Serbian filmmaker Emir Kusturica. I think it goes without saying that Gemma Arterton was born to play the love interest. [Variety]

· The Terminator auction will soon have a winner: Bankrupt rights holder Halcyon Holding Group said it has fielded offers, and the one for "two bazillion dollars" from eBay user "ROBOTZRAWSM1998" was by far the closest to their target asking price. [Variety]

· The guys who brought you Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans have optioned Jonathan Lethem's sci-fi gumshoe novel Gun, With Occasional Music, about a P.I. investigating a urologist's murder, where he encounters "super-smart children called 'baby-heads,' evolved animals and animal rights, erotic nerve swapping, debit cards holding one's karma and a menacing kangaroo that works for the mob." [THR]

· Are we ready to start talking Entourage movie? No. No we are not. (So we'll let TV Bites take over.) [THR]