
What's On: A Hollywood Intervention

A&E presents a cautionary Hollywood tale of extra work that led to pharmaceutical excess during Intervention's season 8 premiere. Tonight's subject is Linda, an actress who was satisfied filling bit parts alongside Mr. T until she became addicted to prescription painkillers. Tune in to find out if Linda's family can save her, and whether you should stop paying for your daughter's improv classes.

Intervention [9 PM, A&E]

Tonight's premiere offers up a City of Angels addiction tale so graphic that any aspiring actress might think twice before packing up her Ford Focus and heading west. When Linda's family finally summons the courage to confront her about her dependency on painkillers "100 times stronger than morphine," promos show Linda racing out of the facility and trying to hitch a ride from a parked van. After an hour's worth of tears are shed, Hoarders kicks off its second season with a woman who has crammed fourteen years of possessions into her home.

Gossip Girl [9 PM, CW]

You may have finished off your Thanksgiving leftovers by now, but Gossip Girl is just settling down for the holiday with tonight's Turkey Day episode. These Upper East Siders are starting new traditions, likes affairs, pregnancy whispers, blackmail and even a romp in the elevator. Serena (Blake Lively) tries to survive the holiday when her mother invites Trip (Aaron Tveit) and Maureen (Holley Fain). Jenny (Taylor Momsen) discovers that Eric (Connor Paolo) was responsible for her humiliating Cotillion incident. Meanwhile, Chuck (Ed Westick) tells Nate (Chase Crawford) that he has some incriminating information about one of their friends. Vanessa (Jessica Szohr) shows up on Dan's (Penn Badgley) doorstep after fighting with her parents.

She Survived That...Pregnant?! [8 PM, Discovery Health]

Set your TiVos for Discovery Health's latest installment in its Twisted Pregnancy series. This time, the DH examines perilous scenarios which could have easily killed them and their unborn children, including a parachuting mishap, a bear encounter, a shooting incident and a fall from a balcony that left a woman impaled on a microphone stand. Really.

Home for the Holidays [8 PM, WGN]

Back in 1995, Jodie Foster directed a holiday comedy-drama that managed to capture the grittiness of an actual family gathering without getting too dark or too sweet. Holly Hunter stars as a single mom who returns home for Thanksgiving after losing her job. The all-star cast includes Robert Downey Jr., Anne Bancroft, Charles Durning, Dylan McDermott, Steve Guttenberg, Cynthia Stevenson and David Strathairn.