
ABC Unveils a Strict Post-Lambert Performance Contract

ABC's had a difficult time navigating the wake of Adam Lambert's controversial AMA performance. The Walt Disney Co-owned network claimed no previous knowledge of the "dance moves" which they edited out on the West Coast and defended the performance as a non crisis, yet canceled Lambert's appearance on Good Morning America before booking and dropping a much more controversial guest, Chris Brown. Now, it seems that ABC is pressing forward with an ironclad contractual agreement that will prevent any future crotch grabs, same-sex kisses, middle fingers (and spontaneity) from its live television performances.

Anne Sweeney, the Disney/ABC Television Group President, revealed this morning that the company is taking precautionary measures against any future stage fellatio by contractually obligating artists to deliver a show that "resembles" their rehearsals. Sweeney defended the network's decision to deprive its viewers of any "in-the-moment" artistic flourishes:

"We certainly don't want to suppress artistry at any level, but we also have to be very cognizant of who our audience is."

Does this mean that Lil Mama could earn a penalty harsher than Jay-Z's cold shoulder the next time her "emotions running high?"

ยท Disney reviewing live shows after Lambert [Reuters]