
Buzz Break: Into the Wild Eyes

· Any guesses on what command this Italian GQ Style photographer gave Emile Hirsch to get his cover shot? Click for bigger.

· Thor apparently has roughly ten thousand speaking parts, because it still isn't done with casting. This time, Hurt Locker breakout Jeremy Renner is being whispered about for Hawkeye, who'd appear in The Avengers as well.

· Popeater's got a list of the most forgotten Playboy celebrity centerfolds of all time.

· How did Susan Boyle celebrate her performance on Today this week? By retreating to a cafe to suck her thumb and start crying. Ooof.

· While dissecting the state of the Superman franchise, Anne Thompson investigates the rumor that the Wachowskis and protege James McTeigue were once attached: "It's hard to imagine such hard-R types taking on what one blogger described as the 'Big Blue Boy Scout.'" Yes, except that they made Speed Racer?