
Hollywood Ink: Chris Weitz Takes a Werecation with The Gardener

· The score stands at Talking Polar Bears 0, Hunky Werewolves 140,700,000 when it comes to Chris Weitz's track record with effects-heavy, critter-filled tentpoles. For his next trick, he'll simplify with The Gardener, a small story from Summit about a Mexican gardener living in L.A. ... who just can't can't stop revealing his chiseled, 3% body fat physique!!! (Sorry -- old habits die hard.) Weitz also dispelled rumors the movie would be his last: New Moon has restored his faith in filmmaking. Taylor Lautner will do that to a man. [Variety]

More in Ink: Joshua Jackson moves in from the Fringe; the running of the Wichita bulls; Avatar's running time.

· Fringe star and Diane Kruger man-candy Joshua Jackson will star in UFO, a feature based on the '70s U.K. TV series about a special-ops force of alien-fighting mercenaries headquartered beneath a Hollywood studio. Matthew Grazner, an effects supervisor, makes his directing debut with the project. [Variety]

· Did somebody say ... werewolves? Venerable '80s series The Howling -- responsible for some of the best, and the worst, that the genre had to offer -- is coming back with The Howling: Reborn. Writer and director is Joe Nimziki, who comes out of the movie marketing world, which gives us confidence that this Howling will be the hunkiest one yet! [Variety]

· Seven bulls used in the filming of Wichita, the Tom Cruise/Cameron Diaz spy comedy, escaped from their pen and ran through Madrid, slightly injuring two (neither of whom were Cruise or Diaz). Cruise will oversee a series of assist tents for cast and crew traumatized by the mishap, where they can work through their stampede thethans. [THR]

· Jim Cameron may have been still fiddling with his masterpiece on last night's 60 Minutes, but the director has reportedly landed on a final running time for Avatar: 150 fun-filled minutes. [THR]