
Late Night Highlights: Tattoos, Taylor Lautner and Ted Danson's Tears

There comes a time in life when we have to face our personal truths and after another dark night of the soul watching late night television, I'm ready to admit that I love Lopez Tonight. The new TBS talk show had me during Wednesday night's Chola Makeover, but last night's show clinched my affection when the host advised an inter-racial couple in the audience on their money disagreements, threw to "Creepy Little White Girl," a new correspondent who delivers stale monologue jokes in zombie attire, got Ted Danson to admit that he cried while watching the Cheers pilot and then welcomed This Is It guitar goddess, Orianthi, to the stage for a solo performance. A few highlights from Lopez, and all of the other notable late night moments you missed, after the jump.

Taylor Lautner Hits The Wall

In his tradition of challenging guests to awkward physical challenges, Jimmy Fallon persuaded New Moon's abtastic star to a mini bike race around the Late Night studio, during which Lautner made sweet contact to the wall a few times.

Good Sport Dakota Fanning

Carefully avoiding all of Kristen Stewart's wrath-invoking talk show missteps, Dakota Fanning appeared on the Jay Leno Show with perfect posture, inpeccable eye contact and engaging, segment-ready anecdotes. The New Moon co-star humored Leno by discussing her homecoming princess win and then played along in this New Moon challenge.

Barack Talk

Stephen Colbert visited the Late Show last night, where he discussed meeting the president for a Colbert Report sketch which the "Meryl Streep of Presidents" nailed on the first take.

Nicole Kidman Can't Bear the Sight of Nicole Kidman

Conan O'Brien met Nicole Kidman for the first time in an impressive four segment Tonight Show appearance, where the Academy Award-winning actress refused to watch a clip of herself singing in Nine. Later, the host showed off Kidman's Australian stamps and the actress discussed Daniel Day-Lewis's commitment to character.

Where is Sandra Bullock's New Tattoo?

On last night's Late Late Show, Craig Ferguson proudly revealed his recent tattoo, to which the Blind Side star lamented that she could not show off her fresh ink. Ferguson spent the rest of the segment trying to eek out hints about the tat, until Bullock finally broke down.

Ted Danson's Tears

George Lopez couldn't help but share his admiration for the Curb Your Enthusiasm star before taking a jab at Steve Guttenberg and never really getting to the bottom off that Three Men and a Baby reunion rumor.