
Late Night Highlights: Free Vampire Bites, Interviewin' Gators and Chola Makeovers!

Twilight-mania returned to after hours programming yesterday with Robert Pattinson's appearance on the Late Show and Kristen Stewart's visit to Late Night, where an unabashedly starstruck Fallon raved about Taylor Lautner's impressive physique. But what most people should be talking about today is George Lopez's bold new take on the tired late night format. (Hint: It involves a Sharpie marker.) Those segments, and a few other highlights you missed while you were rubbing Neosporin onto your Julie Bowen-inflicted wounds, after the jump.

The Interviewin' Gator

Like long-lost fraternity brothers, David Duchovny and Craig Ferguson sat back and leisurely discussed everything and nothing on the Late Late Show last night -- hand sanitizer, flatulence, watching Maury while naked in hotel rooms, and why Twilight is overrated ("Vampires should look scary, not like you could see them at Starbucks") -- before Duchovny admitted he'd rather be talking to Ferguson's alligator puppet, Wavey, than the host himself. The ever-obliging host immediately ducked under his desk and let his Southern alligator/crocodile (he's not sure which he actually is) take over.

Kristen Stewart, QB

After devoting a good three minutes to discussing Taylor Lautner's abs and Martha Stewart's crush on Rob Pattinson, Jimmy Fallon, always up for an awkward interactive segment, pulled Kristen Stewart out of her easy chair to test her fabled spiral (Stewart was Lautner's throwing partner on the New Moon set) with a little ceramic-target practice.

Robert Pattinson's Biting Habit

Last night on the Late Show, R. Patz revealed that if you wait for him long enough outside his hotel, he might take you out to dinner, complain about his life for two hours and then bite your baby -- or your 275 lb. Mexican friend.

The Chola-fication of America

Just watch.

Lou Dobbs Reveals The Truth About His Departure From CNN, As Permitted By His Contract

Lou Dobbs appeared on The Daily Show last night to discuss his break-up with CNN. The correspondent was welcomed onstage by a mariachi band, a tongue-in-cheek play on the host's anti-immigration stance (almost as clever as Stephen Colbert's Mexican border interview). Stewart and Dobbs spent the segment tiptoeing around the ousted correspondent's contractual gag order -- but Dobbs did reveal that in favor of the "It's not you, it's me" line, Jon Klein, president of CNN, let him down easily by explaining that the network was just moving in a different direction: "middle of the road" journalism.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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