
Buzz Break: Genie in a Blazer

·Now serving: The first stills from Christina Aguilera's marquee debut in Burlesque! This image is only a couple of scenes ahead of her first stripping gig, where the barkeep hollers, "You've got one chance, honey," and Christina rallies with a teary-eyed, breast-smooshing tribute to Chaka Kahn, womanhood, and the John in the front row who knows the Midwestern resilience behind her violet eyes.

· Hamish Hamilton, the director of events like MTV's Video Music Awards, will helm the Oscars telecast.

· Nicolas Cage visited a Kenyan prison and handed out awards to wardens to highlight the issue of piracy in the Indian Ocean. The nervous wardens were grateful and shocked by the honor, though they muttered in unison that things really went downhill for him with Captain Corelli's Mandolin.

· The Emmys are moving back to August.

· Kirstie Alley quietly typed on Twitter that she's going beat up Conan O'Brien the next time she sees him. Let's loudly re-Tweet it so she doesn't see us trembling.