
The Most Famous Twins in the World

· And introducing Philippe and Alexandre Haussman, identical twins who play spoiled Russian brothers in the movie that officially took in $230.4 million around the world this weekend. One of them has already played John Wayne Gacy as a child. Act fast -- they won't be willing to work unpaid for much longer!

· Decade's-End Listomania continues with the A.V. Club's Best TV Series of the '00s. Pretty much agree with all of them, and nice to see a Wonder Showzen shout-out in there.

· Speaking of lists involving the best show of the decade, here's the 100 Greatest Quotes from The Wire. It's a video!

· The Out 100, Out magazine's annual list of 100 gay people they could think of, has been announced. Adam Lambert and Wanda Sykes top it, because you knew that.

· One tweet, over 8,000 followers: Please welcome Neil Patrick Harris to the Twitter fold.

· Eater crashes the Top Chef casting call at Craft Steak L.A., breaks down the aspiring contestants by type.

· Thighs Wide Shut explores the real roads of The Road.