
Which TV Personality Does The Best Glenn Beck Impression?

It is a sad presidential term for television comedy when the nation's leader does not have any defining tics, replicable Arkansas drawl or endearing mispronunciations that can be mined weekly for easy prime time laughs. With Saturday Night Live hard up for President Obama impressions (Sorry, Fred Armisen), and South Park nursing their GLAAD bruises from last week's slur-heavy episode, America is ready for an easy target, which Fox News has hand-delivered in the form of polarizing and theatrical talking head, Glenn Beck. In his easy to impersonate delivery, and half of the nation's eagerness for a good Beck bashing, He Who Shall Not Be Named has become the Henry Kissinger of 2009.

Although Glenn Beck does not have a unique speaking voice or accent, the strength of his parodies arrive in the impersonator's ability to make far-flung, often ridiculous connections between current events and Hitler, and occasionally crying. As much as it pains us to say, Frank Caliendo could probably deliver a solid Glenn Beck. Here are the three Beck-interpretations we've seen so far:

1. Jason Sudekis, Saturday Night Live (Impression begins halfway through)

2. Jon Stewart, The Daily Show With Jon Stewart

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3. Cartman, South Park