
Kick-Ass Trailer Delivers on Fanny-Whooping Promise Despite Absence of Nicolas Cage

So now you finally get to see what all the hoopla surrounding Matthew Vaughn's Kick-Ass was about at Comic-Con last summer, as Lionsgate has released a teaser trailer online. With virtually no residual traces of his native British accent, 19-year-old next-big-thing Aaron Johnson stars, lending his aspiring superhero a warm, nerd-hot vulnerability and just the right amount of Steve-from-Sex and the City, Brooklynese warble to his narration.

The opening sequence alone is probably one of the best hooks you'll see in any trailer this year, and while we crave some father/daughter time between Nicolas Cage and Hit Girl -- the 11-year-old protegé he shoots square in the Kevlar training-vest -- there's something to be said for that old maxim about always leaving them wanting more ... uh ... kick-assness. (And nice to see Clark Duke's doughy, bespectacled face up there. 2010 could be a breakthrough year for the Greek star, what with this and Hot Tub Time Machine set to deliver 1.21 gigawatts of wormholin', massage-jet-enhanced fun.)

Verdict: It's a hit, girl.


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