
But Will Antichrist Play in Panchkula?

The foreign trades are full of all kinds of fun, weird surprises. Take this news that emerged Thursday from the Mumbai Film Festival: The city's Enlighten Film Society acquired Indian DVD rights for Lars von Trier's Antichrist. That would add the grim, gory, explicitly sexual film to Enlighten's catalog of world-cinema classics including The Rules of the Game, Bicycle Thieves, 2001: A Space Odyssey and more. There might be a slight hold-up in bringing it home, though: "We are currently talking to the sensor [sic] board for a clearance for the film; based on their response we will release the movie on DVD in India." Memo to India: If the entrails-devouring fox looks or sounds anything like this, then you've definitely got the censored version. [Business of Cinema]