
My Favorite Scene: Mike White Edition!

When we sat down with him recently to get the skinny on his performance as an incontinent-albino-snake wrangler in Gentlemen Broncos, oddball auteur and all-around nice guy Mike White was good enough to submit himself to Movieline's favorite celebrity parlor game. What is White's favorite movie scene of all time? It's after the jump.

"The thing that just came immediately to mind is the scene at beginning of The King of Comedy, when Sandra Bernhard gets in his car and is banging on the thing, and just the way everyone was screaming at him. I just remember being a kid and seeing it at the mall, and thinking, 'This is insane!' You have those moments where movies just expand your sense of humor. I remember I saw Albert Brooks's Lost in America when I was a kid, and I thought it was so funny and brought my neighbor friends and their parents to the movie, and they were like, 'That's not funny!' I've been feeling that way since I was 10 years old."

Mike's favorite scene:

Here's some equally amazing Bernhard insanity from the same film. Doesn't everyone wish they were Tina Turner sometimes, just dancing through the room?