
Buzz Break: Hail to the Sheath

· The Emmy fashion prize must surely go to Young and the Restless star Victoria Rowell, who appears to have designed her dress using Google Image Search, a Chuck E Cheese tablecloth, and a whole lotta moxie.

· Not only are the Coen brothers uninterested in revisiting The Big Lebowski for a Jesus spinoff, they're uninterested in the movie in general. "That movie has more of an enduring fascination for other people than it does for us," Joel Coen told MTV News.

· Kanye West's interruption of Taylor Swift has been great for her brand, Google-wise.

· Noted: James Franco has enrolled in a queer cinema class at NYU.

· January Jones will not stand for this new diet Christina Hendricks is embarking on: "My only advice is to not go too far, because if she loses her curves it will be a very sad day." Wait, she has curves? Did we know this?