
Movieline Predicts: Best Series

Two more days until you can start coming up with creative ways to complain about the abbreviated speeches for Emmy categories you don't really care about. To see Movieline's picks for best comedy series and best drama series (and the discussions between Louis and I that led up to them), join us after the jump.

Outstanding Drama Series

Louis: Right, Big Love wins one award on Sunday and it's Best Drama. Lolz.

Julie: Big Love, Dexter and House know not to expect anything past their nominations.

Louis: Damages and Breaking Bad are both solid, and many would argue that Breaking Bad is better than Mad Men (Stephen King did in EW once), but you cannot fight the Mad Men cool factor and critical awe.

Julie: AMC will be a winner either way on Sunday but voting for Breaking Bad over Mad Men would be like picking Deadwood over The Sopranos. It's just not done.

Winner: Mad Men

Potential Spoiler: Breaking Bad

Other Nominees: Big Love, Damages, Dexter, House, Lost

Outstanding Comedy Series

Louis: I'm surprised that Entourage and Flight of the Conchords beat out The Big Bang Theory, which has been chalked up by every amateur statistician I know.

Julie: And Weeds lost its sheen around the time Nancy burned down Agrestic. Giggity no... Family Guy was such a gamble nomination, I don't have faith in MacFarlane taking home this trophy. And no disrespect to Neil Patrick Harris, but it's between 30 Rock and The Office.

Louis: 30 Rock to me is always better than The Office. Every cast member on 30 Rock is funnier than every cast member on The Office. I insist. I'm actually excited by HIMYM's nomination, but enough to think 30 Rock will somehow be dethroned. Come on? OPRAH WAS THERE.

Winner: 30 Rock

Potential Spoiler: How I Met Your Mother

Other Nominees: Entourage, Family Guy, Flight Of The Conchords, The Office, Weeds