
Non-Geezer Jasmine Guy to Play Geezer on Vampire Diaries

Though we at Movieline valiantly tried to cast her in the new Soul Train movie as Vanity, 47-year-old Jasmine Guy has been stolen away by the CW to play a grandmother on Vampire Diaries. Debuting in the fourth episode, Guy, who is best known for playing saucy southerner Whitley on the Cosby Show spinoff A Different World, will play "Grams" to Katerina Graham's character Bonnie. VD executive producer Kevin Williamson's casting choices are usually right on, so what gives with aging our favorite Hillman alum?

In a new interview, Williamson justifies the casting of Guy with a refreshing smattering of plot points.

"It's a timeless role," explains series executive producer Kevin Williamson. "She looks so young because she's a witch! She's a college professor at the local university who teaches the occult. Bonnie starts to think she may be a witch, and it turns out they have a lineage of witches in their family dating back to Salem. Bonnie thinks it's all crazy until she starts doing things like lighting fires."

We can't forget that Guy's acting past has a substantially undead element to it. Sounds like it could work out for her. Still, I don't see any room here for cooing at Kadeem Hardison -- which I consider the greatest lingering problem with every show on television.

Jasmine Guy Vamps it Up [TV Guide]